Thursday, November 27, 2008

Liam's surgery went well.

As the title says, Liam's surgery went well-we couldn't have asked for a better outcome. He's in long casts in a nice bright red. Dr. S decided to do plaster because our little boy can't be contained. The casts are really just a precaution-he's got weak spots in the bone because of the pins; casting helps protect them until that bone heals. It'll take about 2 weeks, then he'll go in soft casts for a week or two, then done. He'll be done by Christmas. It's so strange looking at his legs. I was so used to seeing those parenthesis that were my baby's gorgeous little legs. Now, they are so straight! It's bizarre to see. It's been a long journey, but we're almost there. It's such a relief.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Liam is looking great!! You're right -- his legs are so very straight and tall! :)